Is it just us, or has it got very dusty in here all of a sudden?
We are so very proud of all of our students, especially those who have done their exams this year. It’s going to be hectic this week - leaver’s assemblies, the contents of trays and desks coming home, art projects to find homes for, a last minute demand for a clean polo shirt to sign, goodbyes and the end of an era.
Take a moment during the madness to give yourself a pat on the back - you’re doing a great job, and we’re proud of you too.

Year 6 Parents,
Walk your child to school one last time this week. Even if they don't want you to. Laugh about the sticks they used to collect or the paintings they so carefully carried. Reminisce about their sports days and how funny they were in their nativity. Tell them how proud you are of them and how excited you are to see them grow. Remember how little their hand was when you held it on the first day of reception. Hold that hand again as you walk with them one last time.
You've done a great job.